Amidst Trials

Amidst Trials

The subject of trials is the main focus of the first chapter of James. Trials can be beneficial in building character, and they are the common experience of us all, whether poor or rich. God can use trials for good in our lives, but He will never tempt us or entice us to sin. All good and perfect gifts come from Him, with whom there is no shadow of turning.

Life's Difficult Times

Life's Difficult Times

Amidst life’s most difficult trials (verses 2-4), it is easy to be unwise in facing them. As our faith is tested during such times, we might be tempted to veer from the path of faith, and even forsake it altogether. Giving up on God during the hard times is unwise, no matter how tempting the choice might be.

A Process of Growth

A Process of Growth

God through Christ has supplied divine power for everything needed for life and godliness (verse 3), and so our priority is to diligently take the supplied Spirit resources and add them to our lifestyle. Beginning with faith in the truth we add moral character, experiential knowledge, self-control, perseverance, and godliness.

Apply All Diligence

Apply All Diligence

As those who have undergone the new birth in Christ, we have been given divine power for all that we need for life and godliness (2 Peter 1:3). This is a phenomenal promise, but effort must be made to put this great divine power to work in our lives. His power has been given to us, but it is imperative that we actively cooperate in order for it to be productive…