Apply All Diligence

"Now for this very reason also, applying all diligence, in your faith supply moral excellence" 2 Peter 1:5.

As those who have undergone the new birth in Christ, we have been given divine power for all that we need for life and godliness (2 Peter 1:3). This is a phenomenal promise, but effort must be made to put this great divine power to work in our lives. His power has been given to us, but it is imperative that we actively cooperate in order for it to be productive. Therefore, we are called to apply “all diligence;” to make every effort to excel and grow.

The building block we apply all diligence to is our faith. The idea of faith is not just belief, but resolute conviction about specific beliefs. These are core truths that rightfully are called “the faith,” so we might say it is faith in the faith. But, this faith is not something static, but rather dynamic. We are to diligently add to our faith moral excellence, which is goodness and holiness. But, we cannot add that which we inherently do not have. None of us are good and holy in and of ourselves; a truth we each are keenly aware of.

The “adding” to our faith is like taking something off of a shelf; something already supplied that we put to use. So, we diligently take off of the shelf the goodness and holiness supplied by Christ, and apply it to our lifestyle. It is a bit like taking a certain ingredient off of a shelf and mixing it in to some food item being made.

The real challenge is how we diligently apply the goodness and holiness of Christ to our lifestyle. There certainly is no simply formula; no one-size-fits-all method. It must uniquely be worked out for every individual in differing circumstances. But, it must begin with mindset: a mental discipline and priority to allow Christ to be first. It is a sensitivity to His promptings as to what to do and not do. The WWJD bracelets of bygone years potentially served as tools for this very thing.

The holiness and goodness of Christ is fleshed out in the daily stuff of life. We have choices as to entertainment and activities. Due diligence applied to that which best cultivates the presence of Christ within is certainly key, and is the challenge and opportunity before us today, and every day.

©Steve Taylor, 2023 --Used by permission

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