Scripture Printables for When You Are Overwhelmed


Do you ever feel helpless when a friend is struggling?  You’ve hugged, visited, shared a meal, and encouraged.  But you can’t be there every minute.

The ladies class I’m a part of on Wednesday nights has been trying to actively encourage a friend who is in the hospital.  One of the things we decided to do was to flood her room with the truths of God’s word.  I created these Scripture printables.  We each wrote an encouraging note around the edges, to remind her of our love, and hung them all around her room.

Overwhelmed & Looking for the Light

When you feel overwhelmed, it’s hard to see the light (or sometimes even believe that the light is there).  During these times, the most helpful and important thing we can do is to remind ourselves of the truth.  The truth of God’s word is the only thing to combat the lies that we are believing.

And when you’re on the outside…when it’s someone you love who is struggling to see the light…what can you do?  You remind them of the truth, that’s what.

(You can click each image for the printable)

Praying Scripture

Have you ever used Scripture verses in your prayers?  Beth Moore had a great book out a number of years ago called, Praying God’s Word.  It’s arranged topically, and provides verses that you can speak, pray, into your situation.

What more powerful words could we pray?

Surround Yourself With God’s Truths

The Bible tells us to take each thought captive to make it obedient to Christ.  I don’t know about you, but that is where the battle begins for me.  Sometimes it’s as basic as noticing a thought, and audibly telling yourself “No!”, and then replacing it with truth.  Having the word of God where you see it regularly is a great way to plant those ‘thought seeds’.

Be encouraged today, friend!  And be an encourager!

Don’t forget to click the images above to get your free Scripture printables…. and click here to find more free encouraging printables.

What are some of your favorite verses to remind yourself of God’s truth?


© Susan Landry, 2017--Used by permission.  Originally published: here

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